Press In

When my friend Sarah came to visit a while back, we decided to have some fun with a yoga photo shoot. We researched some poses that might look visually interesting in tandem, and one of them was two yogis in wheel, each with one leg extended. We both liked the look of the pose, but when it came time to try it out, we both said the same thing, “I’m not sure I can do that.”

We got into place, first in wheel with our feet toward each other. We each took a deep breath and lifted one leg.  It was difficult, and we both struggled, until our feet touched.  Heel to heel and toe to toe, the pose became less of a struggle.  We felt supported, and strengthened by the contact.  We stayed in the pose much easier in tandem than we could have solo. 

Finding community as adults can be a challenge.  We often feel a little wobbly, reaching out, only to flounder for something solid.  It may seem like forever, but before we fall, God steps in to put people in our lives who, at that moment, also have a limb extended.  We lean in, meet in the middle, make contact and support one another.  Heel to heel.  Toe to toe.  We press in, breathe deeply, and each journey becomes a little easier.