Harmonizing the Om
I’m just going to go ahead and say it, and then we can dive into why.
I harmonized the “om” tonight in yoga class.
Quite honestly, I’ve considered it many times before. It just feels right to me. A group of people, all saying something together, kinda drawn out like you’re meant to sing it… it seems natural.
Now for those of you who practice yoga for its spiritual enlightenment and for whom the “om” is a vocal manifestation of all that is light and love, let me just say that I’m in no way trying to take that away from you. I’m trying to add to it.
I’ve been practicing yoga for a while now, and it’s becoming a big part of my fitness journey. I love the poses and the breath and it’s been a remarkable calming presence through some really turbulent times. And yet, the word I would use to describe my overall connection to yoga is playful. I like to make up poses. I like to do yoga with my dog, who really enjoys being on the mat and preferably, wherever I’m just about to put my body next. He’s very into the playful part of yoga also, and the part that makes me fall on my head so he can lick my face. I enjoy yoga outside, with the sun on my face, and I love trying arm balances and poses that are beyond my reach, so I can laugh at myself and make up my own modifications. Playful.
So when the end of class comes, and we all sit tall with our eyes closed and reflect on our intentions, I take a moment to reflect, be grateful, be honest with myself and with the reasons I am on this journey. I appreciate my body and my breath and all that it allows me to do. And when the instructor says we’re going to “om” I take a moment before I come in. I listen to the other voices fill the room, and for most of them to find and match the teacher’s pitch. I let the outliers shift and lock on to the note, and then, when they’re all on “mmmm” – I take the third.
It’s not very loud and it’s not meant to draw attention. It’s just meant to be fun, and an understated note of beauty and appreciation for the moment. Tonight I was the only one, but I have hope for the others with a musical ear. Maybe some time soon one of them will join me with the fifth. And when I bow I will have a special nod just for them. The playfulness in me, recognizes and honors the playfulness in you. Namaste.
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