Making Shapes

If you’re a yogi, have yogis in your life, or even just follow some on social media, you’ve probably seen them get into postures in the strangest places.  They might even use a hashtag like #yogaeverywhere or #yogaoutside and to a non-yogi it might seem a little narcissistic… or just silly.  I’m sure, depending on the yogi, it can be both, but I think it’s sometimes something else.

I was at a park today and it was filled with interesting architecture and sculptures and I must admit, I thought, “This would be a great place to do yoga!”  I saw all these lines and shapes and I was thinking about which poses would go with them, or contrast with them in a visually interesting way.  Yoga is one of the ways I try to free up my creative side, and sometimes a doorway or a statue (or an ice castle!) just looks like the perfect place to practice.  I guess it’s like wanting to paint there, or sing there, or write….

So the next time you see an interesting space, and you get the urge to launch into a handstand or ease into wheel, go for it.  And if you take a picture, share it with us.  We’ll understand.